Being complicated. As usual

February 20, 2009 at 9:46 am (Random)

After writing a happy ending for the story between Dominic and Clara, I didn’t feel any better despite the good ending, which is out of the norm from my usual style, I strongly believes in emotional ending because they are more likely to leave a mark in people’s life.

Take me for an example, I am pretty much a saddist actually, I have the tendency to do something that I will regret later on regardless of time frames, for one reason, which is to remember it in some corner in my heart, I have a heart which is not on par with my size, relatively small and fragile. *laughs*

At times, I don’t know what am I thinking also, I have been thinking way too much till it is actually going out of my control already. Some friends told me not to think so much but just go ahead with it but I still find it hard for me to do so because I think too much, thinking of the impossibles, thinking too far away from where I am, then I will end up regretting some time later.

Suddenly I like writing stories.

All the time, I am being random.

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